Sunday Manufacturer Coupons - How They Work & Strategies to Get Them

In this article, we will cover what you need to know about Sunday manufacturer coupons. This will include the difference between manufacturer coupons and store coupons. Knowing how manufacturer coupons work will help you make the most of this important coupon category.
What are Manufacturer Coupons?
Manufacturer coupons are issued by the product brand directly. Manufacturer coupons can be found on a manufacturer’s website, online coupon clipping services, and Sunday newspaper coupon inserts.
Manufacturer coupons are one of the most common types of coupons and can be found in many places, including:
- Coupon inserts: coupon booklets found in your Sunday newspaper
- Catalinas: printed coupons you sometimes receive with your receipt at store check-out
- Blinkies: the little coupon dispensing units on store shelves, usually with a blinking light
- Peelies: small coupons attached directly to a product
- Tearpads: pads of coupons, usually attached to a store display
How do Sunday Manufacturer Coupons Work?
Manufacturer coupons are easy to use. All the detail you need is on the coupon. This will include the value, what product it applies to (including size), expiration date, and use restrictions.
Manufacturer coupons can be in different formats such as:
- Specific amount off the price of one or more items
- Free product
- Buy one, get one free (BOGO)
One of the benefits of the weekly coupon subscription is having a variety of coupons to choose from.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can manufacturer coupons be used anywhere?
Manufacturer coupons are one of the largest and most popular forms of coupons. They are widely accepted because the manufacturer reimburses stores. - Do stores like Walmart, Dollar Tree, and CVS accept manufacturer coupons?
Yes, absolutely! - Can you use store coupons and manufacturer coupons together?
Yes, stacking is allowed for these two types of coupons. This is a great way to save money on products.
Competitive Couponer Tip: It's important to remember that regardless of where you get a manufacturer coupon, it is the SAME coupon. This means that although you may stack it with OTHER offers, you are limited to one manufacturer coupon per item.
Note: Always check your store coupon acceptance policy, as they are updated from time to time.
Stacking Coupons – Do's & Don'ts:
- You Can: stack a 50¢-off Crest manufacturer coupon you clipped from the Sunday newspaper insert and a 20¢-off Crest store coupon from Target. In example:
- Buy 1 Crest Toothpaste
- Use 1 50¢/1 Crest Toothpaste manufacturer coupon
- Use 1 20¢/1 Crest Toothpaste Target store coupon
- You Cannot: stack a 25¢-off manufacturer coupon for Luvs diapers that you printed from their website with an identical 25¢-off manufacturer coupon that you clipped from the Sunday newspaper coupon inserts.
How to Get Manufacturer Coupons in the Mail
The Sunday newspaper coupon inserts are one of the easiest places to get manufacturer coupons. Couponers — from beginners to extremers — will often buy multiple Sunday newspapers to access multiple coupon inserts. Collecting bulk coupons for stacking is one of the main goals for couponers. Save yourself a lot of time by using our Weekly Subscription Service to receive Sunday manufacturer coupons weekly.
Sunday newspaper coupon inserts offer some of the best, most widely-used manufacturer coupons available. Collecting bulk inserts is an investment in grocery savings and a way to maximize your couponing strategy.
Competitive Couponer Tip: The more you coupon, the more you appreciate that Sunday coupon inserts aren't just about "this week." We're in it for the "long game," so to speak. Collecting bulk inserts puts you in a winning position to maximize your stacks down the road. Although you can only use one manufacturer coupon per item, you can absolutely stack that with store promotions and store coupons. Did you know that you can use manufacturer coupons along with store promotions, for sale times, and even buy-one-get-one-free (BOGO) promotions?
Use our Coupon Preview to plan ahead!
Get Valuable Manufacturer Coupons from the Weekly Coupon Insert brands:
- SmartSource
- Save (formerly RetailMeNot)
- P&G
- Unilever
Bulk Weekly Coupon Insert Benefits
When you use our Weekly Subscription, you know the weekly Sunday newspaper coupon inserts will be mailed to you — automatically. No more wasted time rushing from one place to the next trying to buy multiple Sunday newspapers!
Use your time as wisely as you do your coupons. Bulk coupon inserts from our weekly subscription allow more time to review your pantry and freezer inventory. We've all done it — overbought something because we were in too much of a rush to open our cabinets to check what’s on hand.
Our Weekly Subscription service allows you more time to:
- Check your inventory
- Create menus
- Organize your shopping list in order of the grocery store aisles
- Cull old coupons
- Prioritize coupons nearing their expiration date
Order Bulk Coupon Inserts Today
In this article, we reviewed that manufacturer coupons can be an excellent foundation for your coupon strategy because they are widely accepted at major grocery stores and pharmacies. Stacking multiple coupon offers is always a couponer’s goal. Just keep in mind that you can stack store coupons and manufacturer coupons together, but generally, you can only use one manufacturer coupon per item. Buying more than one item — stockpiling — is the perfect way to keep your pantry and freezer stocked while staying below budget!
Sign up for a Weekly Subscription on the Sunday Coupon Inserts website today!